Accountability Partners
We believe change happens when we build with millions of other people to change culture, policies and practices. We need a mass movement to make change. We build accountability relationships with organizations led by people of color who are doing racial justice work in the movement. Accountability doesn’t mean waiting by the phone for a person of color to tell us exactly what to do. It means developing plans to organize in the white community and seeking feedback. Sometimes people of color are too busy organizing in their own communities to provide us feedback. We should act in those cases and not wait for permission.
Click here to learn more about SURJ values and our approach to organizing.
Environmental Justice
Climate Resilient Communities is a community-based organization dedicated to serving the underrepresented through empowering community voices to implement climate solutions that bring about unity and resilience.
Reimagining Public Safety
Peninsula Anti-Racism Coalition, also known as PARC, is a grassroots organization committed to fighting for racial equity for BIPOC communities in San Mateo County. They work to enact reforms to operations and oversight of the Sheriff’s department.
Housing Justice
Faith in Action Bay Area is a network of congregations and community leaders working to ensure that the dignity of all people in our community is upheld. They’re a multi-racial, multi-lingual, intergenerational and cross-class organization that is led by those most affected by justice. FIABA envisions a world in which all people receive the respect, justice, and opportunity they deserve.
Immigrant Rights
Since 2008, the San Mateo County Coalition for Immigrant Rights (SMCCIR) has advocated for pro-immigrant policies in San Mateo County that centers the humanity, full rights and leadership of all people in our immigrant communities.